Terry's Newest book!
No Greater Love. The Bible in 60 Minutes.

A shiny, sun-kissed view of the greatest story ever told.

The Reverend Terence Elsberry is pleased to announce that No Greater Love. The Bible in 60 Minutes is now available in bookstores locally and online!  Terry has been an Episcopal minister for over 30 years, and congregants, friends, and family members often asked him about how to start reading the Bible. The huge, immense Bible.

In this universe of the internet of things, where our daily lives are engineered to work faster and more efficiently, reading a complicated, 1000+ page book like the Bible is more than daunting.  For many, it can be a complete – NO GO. However, as many individuals get more involved in their Christian faith, whether in confirmation during their teenage years or as adults, there is a call to read the Bible.  The question is where to start spending time with the Lord’s word and story, so we don’t feel overwhelmed. Should we start with the Psalms?  Old Testament?  New Testament? 

Years ago, Terry was asked by a family member if he could distill the Bible into a single train commute to work, roughly an hour. After prayerful thought, Terry set to work one summer on a summary of the Bible that would make it more accessible.  Terry grew up in a Bible-loving community in Iowa, where as a child he always knew Jesus loves me because the Bible tells me so. “And of course, it is the story of our Lord, who out of his love for us, gave his life for us.  So, this really is the most important book written.” shared Terry when discussing why he felt compelled to write this distilled version of the Bible.

Once he set to work on the Bible in 60 minutes, the question was in what format to share this important narrative.  Historically the Bible was shared through the oral tradition of storytelling. Terry also has immensely fond memories of his mother reading stories to him for hours throughout his childhood. Humankind has always loved stories. Great stories help define us, inspire us, and keep us going. Terry set out to create a book that returned to the original way of God communicating who He is and what He’s about to His people. By story.

The book had a pre-launch book signing locally in Greenwich, CT at Dogwood Books & Gifts in May of 2022. The Christ Church Greenwich bookstore sold out of books in the first 30 minutes of the party and back orders were rushed to meet demand.

Now available online in print and eBook formats.  No Greater Love. The Bible in 60 Minutes. is the perfect place to begin to read the Bible’s great stories about God’s love for everyone in this world. You can purchase your copy on Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, and Google Play. Independent bookstores can find No Greater Love.  The Bible in 60 Minutes. on Ingram Global Publishing.

Youth groups, confirmation classes and any adult book group interested in purchasing large quantities of No Greater Love. The Bible in 60 Minutes.  please email Rebecca Fretty directly at rebecca@walkingingodslove.com.  Terry’s hope is to share God’s story everywhere, with everyone. He wants to remove any barriers so we can learn more about God’s love and desire to have a relationship with each of us.

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